Register for Microsoft exams

Stages of acceptance of applicants and applications for Microsoft tests provided by the House of Expertise at the College of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh

1- Knowing the desired test from the applicant
2- Sending all test contents to the applicant's email
3- Register the applicant in the GMetrix platform and give them the code to activate the trial tests

How does the applicant know that he is qualified to pass the exam?

1- Finalizing the beta test on the Gmetrix platform before the time limit expires (unlimited number of attempts)
2- Obtaining a score of 75 or more (70% or more is

House of Expertise tasks:
1- Providing students with the contents
2- One interview with male / female applicants via Zoom to explain the contents and what is required to pass the exam
3- Giving the students a number to contact when there are questions.

When the applicant determines the desired test and after attending the first interview, the transfer will be made to an account
بيت خبرة كلية الحاسبات وتقنية المعلومات برابغ
Bank: Samba
Branch: King Abdulaziz University Branch for Men
Account number: 4701888176
IBAN Number: SA7140000000004701888176

Contents + GMetrix training account = 850 riyals, the test to obtain certification = 280 riyals
Total = 1130 Saudi riyals

Note: A copy of the transfer must be sent to certify the student's registration


Last Update
10/19/2020 12:50:42 AM

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