Message From Dean
In the name of God, praise God, Prayer and
Peace upon the Messenger of Allah.
The decision of establishing the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh is a consequence of the Government's interest in the information technology sector. It came also as a response to the rapid developments taking place in our world in this area. The Faculty started to receive students at the beginning of the first semester of the academic year 1430/1431 AH and started receiving females in the female campus at the beginning of the first semester of the academic year 1431/1432 AH.
The Faculty has developed ambitious targets to serve the kingdom's development plan, by forming highly qualified specialists in the field of Computer Science, Information Systems and Information Technology. The Faculty also seeks to provide researches, studies and scientific consulting to contribute to the advancement of the community and the local region in particular.
Since its inception, the Faculty accomplished valuable achievements such as the completion of the new faculty's campus for males, the establishment and the activation of the female campus, and the hiring and the polarization of highly qualified and experienced PhD holders, lecturers and teaching assistants for the two campuses of the Faculty. This had a positive impact on the educational process and as a result, the faculty got many research projects that were supported by the university and many research papers were published in different international journals.
The faculty is currently fully involved in the strategic planning of the university, started the implementation of the total quality standards and is making efforts to meet the accreditation requirements.
In this context, the faculty was actively seeking to update the curricula of the three departments to take into account the latest international standards for these specialties and give an additional value to the faculty and its graduates. Many tracks have been added to the new curricula to respond to the labor market needs for up-to-date specialties such as mobile computing, networks security, industrial computing and e-commerce. These tracks are considered to be a plus for our graduates since they increase their competitiveness on the labor market. Thanks to God, the new curricula have been approved by the university council and the faculty started to use them by the first semester of the academic year 1432/1433 AH (2011/2011). The college is now looking forward to graduate the first batch during the next academic year 1433/1434 AH (2012/2013).
Given the university's trend to encourage graduate studies and scientific research, FCITR designed and created a master program in computer science that have been submitted to the university for approval. This program will be implemented next semester, In sha Allaah.
Last Update
2/14/2017 12:44:01 AM