Success Stories

 Saad Abdullah Al-Muhammadi
University Number: 1635811
Department : Department of Information Systems
Graduation Year :   2020-1441
Current Job: Business Analyst and Developer - Al Ber Charity Society, Rabigh Governorate
Success Stories :
Ibrahim Mansour Saleh Al-Najjar
University Number : 1322484
Department :  Department of Computer Science
Graduation Year: 2017
Current Job: HR Manager, Deputy Brand Manager and E-Marketing Director, Software company executive director, certified trade coach.
Success Stories :
Omar Ahmed Omar Al Mahmoudi
University Number : 0909045
Department :  Department of Information Systems
Graduation Year: 2013
Current Job: Principal Business Analyst
Success Stories :
University Number : 1535005
Department :  Department of Information Technology
Graduation Year: 2019
Current Job: Digital incident response engineer and digital forensic investigation
Success Stories :
Muhammad Abdullah Abdul Aziz Laban
University Number : 1011720
Department :  Department of Computer Science
Graduation Year: 2017
Current Job: Human Resources Officer
Success Stories :

Female Section 
Elham Mostafa Mak
University Number : 1428027
Department :  Department of Computer Science
Graduation Year: 2018
Current Job: Computer teacher and trainee at JDMR Automation Software Company
Success Stories :
Rosana Hussain Sulaiman Al-Muhammadi
University Number : 1507548
Department :  Department of Information Technology
Graduation Year: 2019
Current Job:  
Success Stories :
Rahaf Hassan Asr
University Number : 1423455
Department :  Department of Information Systems
Graduation Year: 2018
Current Job:  Postgraduate
Success Stories :
Maram Saleh Al-Wagdani
University Number : 1336442
Department :  Department of Computer Science
Graduation Year: 2014
Current Job:  Demonstrator at King Abdulaziz University - Branch Rab G.
Success Stories :

Last Update
10/25/2020 2:29:33 AM

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