Annual student enrollment and graduation data College

Annual student enrollment and graduation data-IS
  Annual student enrollment and graduation data (College)
Information Technology (IT)
Computer Science (CS)
Information Systems (IS)


Number of Enrolled Students

Graduated Students Number of Enrolled Students Graduated Students Number of Enrolled Students

Graduated Students

Number of Enrolled Students Graduated Students
2022 155 28 211 23 146 18 512 69
2021 124 38 150 22 120 23 394 83
2020 71 23 62 18 50 8 183 49
2019 57 31 55 17 45 35 157 83
2018 93 36 66 13 71 18 230 67
2017 76 11 61 11 54 6 191 28
2016 59 2 41 14 48 23 148 39

Last Update
1/23/2022 3:56:29 PM