Message From Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research
In the name of God, praise God, Prayer and Peace upon the Messenger of Allah.
The scientific research and graduate studies is one of the necessary features of any society that seeks to achieve the renaissance of scientific, academic and cultural. King Abdul Aziz University has taken significant steps in the field of graduate studies and scientific research for the rehabilitation of human resources and scientific talent, and provide higher education opportunities for those interested in it. The University also highlight the leaders of scientific features, and provide ideas and contributions and the appropriate solutions to a number of problems facing the community through graduate programs. The attention of the Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh in graduate studies and scientific research comes as part of the system of interest in King Abdul Aziz University in graduate studies and scientific research.
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology in Rabigh aims through the establishment of a postgraduate program to achieve many goals and visions and that is consistent with the visions and objectives of King Abdul Aziz University and the Ministry of Higher Education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We seek through the graduate program to prepare specialized scientific skills and highly qualified in the field of Computing and Information Technology. The program encourages scientific competencies to keep pace with the rapid progress of computer science and technology, push the graduates to excellence and innovation to the development of scientific research and employment in the industry. We also seek through this program to contribute to the enrichment of human knowledge in all its branches through specialized studies and research which is hard to gain access to the scientific and practical additions innovative and disclosure of new facts. In addition, enabling outstanding students of the first university graduates to continue their higher education locally, and contribute to improve the level of undergraduate programs to interact with graduate program.
Since the progress of societies and nations are measured by the attention of the communities in scientific research, the graduate program is looking forward the role of senior leadership in the field of technical and computer science within the college in providing the students the energies, resources and academic guidance. The vision requires all members of the faculty, lecturers, technicians, administrators and students to work as a team collaborator in order to achieve a concrete achievements and contributions to a new knowledge in the space of scientific research.
Last but not least, we are very happy to hear any views, comments and suggestions. The feedback we received is an important source for future development of educational and academic process in the faculty. It will also upgrade the level of scientific research to reflect positively on the knowledge and technical development. Contributing the finding of appropriate scientific solutions is our vision to the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of King Abdul Aziz and may God have mercy on him and contributed to the development of knowledge, science and scientific research in the area.
May Allah guide us to that, which is good for our beloved country and nation.